Thursday, May 27, 2010
![]() You flew off with the wings of my heart and left me flightless Hey, thanks for everything that you've given me. I appreciate it very much for the things that you've done. I don't know why must I deserve this from you. After all the things that I've done for you & this is what I get. I guess I trusted you too much. I guess your sweet talks really hit me hard til I fell into one big tears. This is how you prove your love towards me? Wow, I'm surprised.. There's no effort at all.. You've lied to me & you left my heart bleeding. Leaving me just like that when you said that you wanna be by my side forever. Whats your motive actually? I want your honest words.. Whats your motive of hurting me? Why must I deserve this from you? After what you've given me & now you're stepping out of my life. Come on', you expect all this to happen? This isn't what I've been expecting from the start. I'm so disappointed in you. My love for you is dying. Are you playing with my feelings? Where's your love? I'm giving you mine but you gave me nothing. What did I do wrong? Tell me.. What did I do to you til you want me to suffer like this? Tears kept running down when I think of you. Letting you go takes a lot of time & I know it takes a few months for me to let you off my mind. It ain't easy cause I fall deeply in love with you & now it's hard for me to get out. Now you left me crying alone in that hole. By letting me go, by leaving me. You think I'm gonna smile? You're making my life more miserable & I really regret loving you don't you know that. Now I'm in this condition, I won't ever get to smile again. You know how painful it is? I've wasted my love on you instead I can just keep it to myself. I feel like I've been used again, I'm so hurt. The flame of love is now just a cold loneliness & now its broken into pieces. Letting the wind blow them away, I save one piece in case if there is a second chance for me. Thanks for everything. You've really make my life become so "great". Will always remember you always. The sweet memories will always be locked in my heart. Now I'm walking through the path alone. Hurt, In pain, Heartbroken, Tears, & In a misery that never ends. Thinking to myself: When I'm alone, who's gonna be by my side? When I'm cold, who's gonna give me a warm hug? When I'm in tears, who's gonna wipe it off? When I'm down, who's gonna make me laugh? When I'm afraid, who's gonna cover my eyes & make me feel comfortable? When I feel so unloved, who's gonna hold my hand & give me a kiss on my forehead? It really gives me tears just by thinking all this questions in my mind. I really can't bear the pain. It hurts my fragile heart, & it is now falling apart. Why must I deserve this kind of love? Am I that cruel? Do I give in too much? Have I given too much love? Why is this happening to me? If I follow my heart right now, I feel like killing myself. Now I'm alone, my life will become darker & this will make things worse. I guess it's fated that I won't get to feel the love. Impossible for me to get into one relationship. I guess no one will love me instead they'll just use me like as if I'm a toy then threw me away when they're bored with me. I guess, I'll just move on alone for the rest of my days. Labels: This is what I get from him Tuesday, May 25, 2010 ![]() Stress up with life, it's getting worse as time passes by. I feel so hopeless now. My lovely granny have gave all her effort & I did one little mistake that could bring chaos. I feel stupid & now my mind is blank. I cannot think of anything, no idea is on my mind. I just couldn't cry anymore cause it's just a waste of tears cause nothing changes. I feel that I'm gonna be inside a cage soon. A lot of things is in my mind: Love, School, Family, Life, Friends, Bad Memories but mainly in my mind is just YOU. To YOU: I just don't know why but somehow you're gonna leave me cause of some guy. I just don't know why did I get this feeling. I feel stupid thinking about it cause I believe you but negative thoughts started to run into my mind. Tears just kept flowing down my face. My love for you is as deep as the sea but I just don't know why that somehow I cannot trust your words cause I feel like it cannot be used. After the previous stains of mine have bustard me cause of another guy, I feel like you're gonna do the same thing. I'm so stress. You tell me to follow my heart, & if I follow my heart, I'll just jump off the roof killing myself. I'm so stress. You're too much for me. The biggest sacrifice I need to do is just to leave you. I'm so heartbroken, you don't deserve a ruin boy like me. Nobody deserve me especially a sweet guy like you. Even though you're the guy that I've always dream & wish. I just feel that you're too good for me. I don't know, I wanna leave you but its so painful to leave you. Just 3 words baby, I Love You . The guy that will love you til the end, Zairul Labels: Leaving you is the biggest thing to sacrifice Thursday, May 20, 2010 ![]() I really miss the way you kissed my forehead. hey, didn't get to watch movie with tipsy baby so now I'm currently in my Aunt crib facebooking. Bored as always. *phone beep* Ohhh, who can that be? *open text & read it* * smiled & eyes started to flood* Ohh, sorry, where was I? Oh yarr, so as I was saying, I'm bored. Th txt? who was it from? Ohh, hehee. got lahh, for me to know & for you to never find out. Haha well, nothing much to update. See ya~ Missing you so much love. When am I gonna meet you again? It's been days & for me it's like years. Ohh, I miss your soothing voice. your soft cherry lips, your mesmerizing eyes but mainly I miss you. Missing you hugging me tightly & making me feel so secured. I can feel your sincere warmth that you've given me. Your text makes me wanna cry even though its not a sweet poem or whatever. I mean, when you wanna head home you text me? Wow, it's like... I just don't know, none of my previous stains text me when they wanna head home or school or wherever & you're not even mine, you're so sweet don't you realize that yourself? I wish you're mine, cause I wanna love you like no one have loved you. Ohh love... Its growing... I miss th taste of love... Missing it so much makes me miss you... Loving you truckloads... Your name is tattooed in my heart... Wherever you go, if you miss me at night, look up at th bright night sky & find th brightest star of all & when you found th brightest star, that will be me watching your every move waiting for you to tug into bed. Will always watch you wherever you go... Hoping you miss me cause right now, Im missing you so badly... Everytime I close my eyes, I can feel your presence... Its like youre right beside me hugging me tightly... When I open my eyes, I smiled.. Look at th side & you arent there... Guess it was just my imagination & that shows that I really2 miss you... Hoping you're okay... Cause right now, I'm very worried about you... This is for you: I am not that strong & I can't live without you. How am I supposed to live without air? Did you know that you are the blood in my veins? Did you know that my heart is in your chains? Did you know that I've been keeping this 3 words in my heart? & this 3 words are, I Love You. Karma boy, Zairul Labels: love Welcome to Karma's page. Heyy readers, found me? hahaaaa, well.. Sorry if I created a new blog. Some reasons of mine that I could share with you but I'm kinda in a hurry so this is just a short post. I know th skin is very plain, lazy to find nicenice so what for, th main thing is you wanna read about my life story yea? rudeboy's dead so now,im labelled as karmaboy. New life, new people, new discoveries if you know what I mean. winks* Nothing much to update, will update some other time. Like I said what goes around, comes around. I'll be going around somewhere,hahaaa. Wanna watch movie with feeza tipsy so i'll be coming around here to update new happenings aites? well gotta go, bye honeybees (: Karmaboy, zairul Labels: karma boy |
![]() zairul is my name & karma is my game. His Quote: what goes around with me comes around you. ♦ Dudy Monteiro. ♦ Dudy's Tumblr. ♦ Hafiz Pendek. ♦ Subhi Illiyyin. ♦ Syakirchner Elise. ♦ Hedi Kikomori. ♥ Jaselin Gemok. ♥ Frah Anne. ♥ Maia Panda. ♥ Yidah Twinny. ♥ Farna Bimbo. ♥ Uffie Aosyki. ♥ Echa Boncet. ♦ Syairul Adams. ♦ Fyzzstro. Individuals Amelina. Azmy. Belle. Din. Echa. Eicha. Eydah. Faizahh. Fie. Fir. Irzan. Ita. Jaja. Mei Ting. Naim. Natasha. Nini. Nisa. Pearl. Qayyum. Rush. Shah. Shasha. Shaq. Sheeqeen. Teko. Yourlanda. Yusry. Zaidi. May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 September 2011 October 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 Tagged. Tumblr. Twitter. |